The internet ushered in a Cambrian explosion of connection, allowing us to find each other while hundreds of miles apart. But to underpin this connection, I’m beginning to believe that the internet has only given us
I agree Katie, as a more private person in the past and have been more open as I put my writing on the Internet, I have found joy in seeing people (many over the internet) better know what I think/like/dislike but of course, all writers choose to write what they want and there a lot of nuances to a person besides their writing. Understanding does take a lot of work in a friendship/relationship
I agree Katie, as a more private person in the past and have been more open as I put my writing on the Internet, I have found joy in seeing people (many over the internet) better know what I think/like/dislike but of course, all writers choose to write what they want and there a lot of nuances to a person besides their writing. Understanding does take a lot of work in a friendship/relationship